full service
Our goal is to provide a full service offering; a one stop shop for every aspect and consideration of your deployment. Each server stood up requires consideration for a number of interconnected systems and variables such as datacenter space, power, cooling, networking, data storage and more. From the small component choices in individual systems to the infrastructure at the facility level, with our network of partners and suppliers we aim to provide a comprehensive solution for hardware deployment and access to the necessary supply and resources to generate success.
Optimized specs
We provide systems and deployments that can be built out in a large variety of requested system configurations. We also have our recommended optimized system configuration for GPU compute and HPC applications.
Our system configurations are optimized for performance and have been deployed at CSP / hyper scale. Proven at scale, we have standardized our system offerings to provide balanced and performance optimized systems. By standardizing the majority of system configurations, this allows us to more efficiently work with manufacturers and supply systems to our customers with competitive lead times and pricing.